
Since 1996 we in STATON company are engaged in development of coats and coating machines working on principle of PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) – coats. We have got under control the technology of cathodic vaporization, as well as the technique of magnetron sputtering, and work on its advancement and innovation, and other ways of improving the quality of cutting tools´ surface properties.

All processes take place in vacuum, so we also deal with vacuum matters and issues of production and utilization of plasma – plasma technology. Whereas the processes of applying the coats take place at nano-dimensions level, we account ourselves for pioneers in nano-technologies utilization in Slovakia.


Staton s.r.o.
Sadová 1148
038 53 TURANY, Slovakia

Tel.: +421 43 4292362
Tel.: +421 43 4292638
Fax: +421 43 4292585

Staton s.r.o.